Dr-Armando-Favazza - I am watching this fucking uber-douche on a show on an MSNBC show called "Hooked: Tattoos Head To Toe" also a douche bag show) swear that people with tattoos or body mods of any kind are damaged mentally - that their "subconscious" is why they get ink to hurt someone who wronged them or themselves. Spread the word - 40,000,000 Americans have tattoos - I can't even think how many have at least one piercing. Seek out this guy and make sure people know he's a quack with a dinosaur's ideas as to human behavior and obviously some true to life prejudice because he wrote a fucking book about it (below) - I can consciously and subconsciously say every tattoo I got was done for a specific reason other than self mutilation. Some deep, some funny, some just because I like the image. The show keeps saying that the tattooed are of low self-esteem or that they want to feel powerful or dangerous. Oh yeah that's why I got a scene from "Where The Wild Things Are:" A KID'S BOOK! and a cartoon version of my cat tattooed on me - because I wanted to be tough. I got one because I love that book and the other because I love my cat. It's not for attention either - no one can see my ink in a normal situation and it will stay that way for the rest of my life because they are not about showing off. They are for me and mine - trust if you see one of my tatt's I think that at the least you are not a douche and at the best you are a close friend. These shows and these so called doctors are outdated. Tell them so!
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