After having missed The Wrestler because the fucking L train screwed Miss Judy and I, we finally got to see it last night. Man did I cry. You will completely feel for this character from the first body-slam. You will get misty I swear to you watching this amazing character fall-get up, fall, get-up again and finally...nope np spoilers here! You have to understand I was a huge wrestling fan when I was a kid. Men like Bob Backlund, Spiros Arion, Jimmy Snuka, Pedro Morales and Chief Jay Strongbow were what I lived for EVERY Sunday morning. The Heroes and the Heels I loved them all. And the managers! What was a Sunday Morning with out Classy Freddie Blassie screaming "You pencil necked geek!" at someone. My whole family would watch with me and they loved it as well. As I'm writing this I just heard on NY1 that Mickey Rourke and Marissa Tormei were both nominated for Oscars. WOO HOO! Fuck you Benjamin Buttons!
That all said I just started reading the Andre the Giant book. So far it's awesome. As I was foreign, weird and the biggest thing in my school yard I LOVED Andre when I was young. He was by far my favorite.
See the movie - get the book
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