I just found out an old co-worker and friend - Mark Chamberlain - AKA Judgecal - passed on. The details don't matter.
Cal was good-looking, likable, talented, smart - he had it all. We shared a love of comics and first person shooters like DOOM and Quake in the early 90's where we both worked for PSUEDO.COM.
Cal taught me that Ctrl C was copy, Ctrl X was cut and Ctrl V was the paste function on a PC keyboard. He also taught me that that holding down the shift button and highlighting a file in a folder, and then highlighting a file lower down that list lets you select every file in between the first and the last.
Maybe I remember this because I use these things almost every single work day of my life and have for the last 14 years. He was always a good guy to go to for a quick laugh or a smart remark. He was a solid, stand-up guy who's company was always welcome.
Last time I saw him was at a benefit for the Coney Island Sideshow folks. It had been a few years since we had been in touch through anything other than one social network or another. I told him I'd reach out. I didn't. I feel like a dick.
Rest in peace Cal. You'll be missed by many.
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