As some of you might have read on Judy McGuire's blog there was a death in the Poulos/McGuire household. I found Judy's pet bird Albert, deceased in his cage this morning. So what do I do? Be the supportive boyfriend right? - as long as I don't have to touch the dead bird as I skeeve easily. Judy did make me poke him with a stick to make sure he was dead though.
There were two strange moments this morning I still can't get out of my skull.
1. There have been these weird toxic headache inducing odors in our little nook of Williamsburg. I hoped that Albert wasn't the proverbial canary in a coal mine.
2. Our friend and neighbor Breuk Iverson (publisher of 11211 magazine) had given me a gift of an animated talking Darth Vader figure because he knows what kind of geek I am for this kind of shit. I put Darth next to Albert's cage thinking he would like the company. This morning it didn't seem so cute that Darth was staring into Albert's cage, light saber drawn and evident like a smoking gun. Albert had seemingly been defeated by the dark side. Darth looked like the Grim Birdy Reaper - sorry Breuk but DV had to go.
On the bright side maybe Judy's little bird buddy is now like Obi Wan Kan-Albert. Maybe he is residing on a different plane like Obi Wan was, looking out for us and giving us hints as to how to battle the dark side.
Albert McGuire 1992 - 2006 RIP.
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